As a rule, you should use Windows to install language files rather than rely on an application like Word to do it for you. Normally, Word defaults to the language of the operating system. If you select OK instead of Default, the proofing language you chose will only apply to the current file. To change the proofing language for new documents, select Default. To change the proofing language in Office for Mac, select Tools > Language in Word or another Office application. However, you can specify a different proofing language for Office for Mac. You cannot use separate languages for the OS and Office applications.
The display and keyboard layout languages used in Office for Mac are the same as the ones for the operating system. All proofing in that selected block will be governed by the rules of the alternative language. Select Review > Spelling and Grammar > Set Proofing Language, then choose your alternative language. In Office Online, highlight the text for proofing in the non-default language. Language options for Office Online are similar to those in desktop versions of Office. Word will consider the highlighted selection to be the non-default, selected language and will check the spelling and grammar accordingly. To proofread in the selected language, highlight the text, then go to the Review tab and select Language > Set proofing language.

If the language isn’t listed, select the Add additional editing languages drop-down arrow and choose a language. Go to the Choose Editing Languages section, and select a language from the list. The editing language-which governs spelling, grammar, and word sorting-can be changed in the Word Options screen.
How to Change the Editing Language in Word Select Set as Default for both the Display Language and the Help Language lists. After a language pack loads, go to the Word Options menu and choose that pack in the Display Language and Help Language lists. You may need to reboot your computer, as well. If necessary, install a Language Accessory Pack, then close and re-launch Word. If a specific language is not listed, select Get more display and help languages from. Languages installed in Windows 10 are listed.

In the Choose Display Language section, choose the Display Language and Help Language you want to use. In the Word Options dialog box, select Language. To force a display language in Word that’s different from that of your operating system: The display language in Word governs the ribbon, buttons, tabs, and other controls. In Windows-but not in macOS-you can choose them independently of the language installed for your operating system.

This article explains how to change display and/or editing languages in Word for Office 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, Word Online, and Word for Mac.